About Us

We are a passionate team with the vision of delivering
the best & exciting tours of Turkey for our customers

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Andrew Jones
Noah's Ark Researcher

Andrew Jones is a seasoned researcher with a long-standing involvement in Noah’s Ark studies, a journey that began in his teenage years during the early 1990s. His passion for the subject led him to his first visit to the Durupinar Noah’s Ark site in 1997 while he was still a college student. The expedition proved to be transformative, sparking a deep affection for both the region and its people. Originally hailing from California, Jones has now made Doğubayazıt, Ağrı Province, his home, further exemplifying his commitment to the study of the region. His extensive visits and immersive experiences in the area have equipped him with a rich understanding of the local culture and the Durupinar site, making him an invaluable asset to the ongoing research. His work continues to provide fresh perspectives and insights, driving the research forward in this captivating field of study.

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